First off the film is where Superman (Henry Cavill) and Batman (Ben Affleck) meet for the first time in the DC Cinematic Universe that with the film being inspired by the epic stand off between these two heroes in the Dark Knight Returns comics which marked as the end of Bruce Wayne's career as Batman and bringing that kind of thing into the second DC Cinematic film is very ironic but that's not the only thing that will separate the film from the comics
one of the other major differences that will occur in the film is one of the villains that are set to appear
The villain that killed Superman in the comics has been reported to appear in the film as one of Lex Luthor's creations using General Zod's tissues but besides being created by Lex Luthor, Doomsday's cinematic debut in the DCCU's second film makes the movie have more unexpected surprises that fans are waiting to see but hopefully if Doomsday does appear in Batman vs. Superman Dawn of Justice as the films primary villain that both Superman and Batman fight, then that would be one of the reason to why director Zack Snyder and Warner bros choose to hold off on releasing the film until 2016 over needing more time to complete the movie's special effects and if Doomsday does show up as the villain for this movie that all this waiting should be worth it because the stronger and more powerful the villains the better the movie will be but because Doomsday is set to debut early in the second DC Cinematic film and with the Justice League set for 2017, we will not be expecting the monster to kill Superman in this movie or the entire franchise because you all know that without the most popular favorite superheroes like Superman, how else are Snyder and Warner Bros gonna pull off making the Justice League without any problems?
And the third major difference so far that the film is going to have that will make itself along with the rest of the DC Cimematic Universe different from the comics is the absence of one of the most popular Batman characters that appeared since 1939;
Commissioner Gordon

The head of the police force that has helped Batman on certain occasions against his enemies and is a very respected ally to the Dark Knight. But because the character is said to have died before the plot in Batman vs Superman, who is in charge of the GCPD now and why is it that Snyder and Warner
chose not to include Commissioner Gordon in the DC Cinematic franchise?
Well it looks like we will have to find out sooner or later before the movie hits theaters in 2016.
Anyway these are the three things that will make the upcoming Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice film different from the comics because of the epic DKR inspired battle between Superman and Batman and the villain Doomsday are what marked as the end of Batman and Superman's superhero career's in the comics that it's very unexpected for two end game things to start happening so soon in the very second film of the potential movie franchise and to not have one of the most important supporting characters involved.
Well stay tuned for the film