Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Awesome Ben Affleck Batman Film Speculations

With Batman confirmed to appear with Superman in the Man of Steel Sequel for 2015, it males the first movie the greenlight on the start of the DC Cinematic Universe.

Now, whenever Ben Affleck will be able to get his own Batman stand alone films, we expect to see characters such as

Alfred Pennyworth

Commissioner James Gordon

GCPD Detective Harvey Bullock




and Vicki Vale

And hopefully because of how SCi-Fi heavy Man of Steel was with it's special effects, we hope that the villains in the future Batman films will not be too real world based like Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight films that some of those villains that we do want to see are those that we're never seen before and done in very interesting movie plots, Now here are the best speculated amount of films that Warner Bros. would be able to do and for what villains we expect to see

Batman 1


Killer Croc

Batman 2



Two Face

Batman 3
