Friday, December 11, 2015

Felicity fatally shot but not dead (yet) and will Barry save Patty from getting killed by Zoom and how?

After watching the mid season finale on Arrow season finale, lots of fans are worried and devastated on what happened to Felicity Smoak but that is not the only thing we have to worry about. To find out more read the article to see for yourselves.

From the end of episode Dark Waters, after Oliver Queen had proposed to Felicity Smoak they were just about to make their way home when suddenly H.I.V.E. grunts came out of nowhere and started shooting  at them from outside the car and they shot her. This suspenseful scene reminds us of that tragic ending where James Bond's wife was killed by Blofeld's hotwoman in For her Own Secret Majesty's Service  after they were married.

Some of the fans of the show are glad that Felicity has been shot due to how stubborn and annoying she was as a stubborn irritating b*t*h in season 3 because she refuses to let Oliver go alone with Malcolm to Nanda Parbat to save Thea by healing her with the Lazarus Pit as well as persuading him from getting Roy out of jail and too be honest, I'm glad she got what she deserved for being so irritating dead or not. As for those who are worried about her but are also sure she can't be dead yet due to the flashforward of Oliver visiting someone's grave  taking place 7 months from the first episode of the 4th season, they're right on that part. Still wether or not Felity's wounds are so directly fatal that she would die surcoming to them depends on what the creators of the show have in mind but to find out stay tuned because each new episode airs on the same month the plot and settings take place in.

But for now we got a bigger problem to worry about than just Felicity Smoak, it's Patty we need to be more concerned for.

Since she and Barry had begun their relationship, she has been so cute and gorgeous and means alot to him as well as becoming Barry's current love interest in the comics and seeing her with Barry means alot to fans as well  and having her getting killed off by Zoom so soon without living to know that Barry is the Flash and without fully understanding everything else like Harry (Harrison Wells from Earth 2) and why Caitlyn and Joe were protecting him including everything else like Jay Garrick, the Multiverse and to how it was possible for Linda to have her Earth 2 counterpart2, it would be very cruel, very sadistic and very very brutal to have her killed off too soon and knowing just how volatile Zoom is and because of what he did to Barry when they first met in episode 29, he wouldn't have any sense of honor to spare anyone close to his enemies, even if Barry surrendered his powers to him Zoom is too evil of a monster to be reasoned with but what we've seen in the promo to the episode "Potential Energy"  that has left many of us shocked and traumatized , doesn't mean that Zoom will get away with killing Patty because there are still ways for Barry to save her from Zoom which involves the following;

* Keep Zoom busy while help arrives at the place where Patty is  held hostage to rescue her

* If Jay does understand how much Patty means to Barry that if he knows her death would provoke the Scarlet Speedster into taking the Velocity 6 serum in efforts of getting revenge on the speed demon, then Jay would have to break his vow of not taking anymore of it that by injecting that serum and more doses of it, he would have just enough speed to help the Flash save Patty and keep Zoom occupied long enough for Barry to save Patty and get her to safety as far away from Zoom as he can keep her safe even if it costs Jay his life which would eventually lead Caitlyn Sno

*If Joe picks up Patty's location, then he would follow Barry to that location that if Barry and Jay  do save Patty while Joe engages Zoom, Zoom will kill him instead and spare Patty only if Detective West's death is savoring enough to see Barry suffer over it

If all doesn't happen, then hopefully if the creators of the show are not willing to have Patty killed off permanently then Barry with his metahuman speed or that from taking a bunch of doses of the velocity 6 serum to travel back in time to the night they last danced after the dance that instead of taking Patty home to where she is abducted he take her to Star Labs to meet up with his friends and allies there, then he will reveal to  her that he is the Flash and explain everything that has been going on in Central City since the start of Season 2, even if the risks trades this aweful consequence for another because either way there is no way that Zoom is gonna get away with killing her off permanently in that episode so deep down hope for surviving her encounter and abduction with/by Zoom in the upcoming episode along with Barry's chance to trust her with his identity as the Flash and be part of his team or for her Earth 2 counterpart as the hero Hot Pursuit to take her place throughout the rest of Season 2 is sure to turn up once the episode airs next year

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